So today when my mom and I were picking through the clearance section at Kitchen Kaboodle, where 2010's Christmas delights were within hurling distance of Valentine's Day cookie cutters, I found myself face-to-face with.... MY COOKIE BOXES!!!
Yes, the cookie boxes that I wanted so desperately a month and a half ago, the ones that were completely cleared out of Marshall's and The Container Store and left me packing my precious Christmas cookie creations in Ziplocs. Not only did they have a whole rackful, along with matching adorable parchment sheets, but they were all half off. Just you wait, friends and family of this/next year! Those cookies you just finished are going to look AWESOME next Christmas!
Now, into deep storage you go.
Everyone (including me) will be anxiously waiting for their Christmas cookie box now. How lucky we were to find the bargains this weekend. As always, I have so much fun spending time with you!